02 May 2007

MA Theses and PhD Dissertations - Part 4

As previously, Renald Fortier, Curator of Aviation History at the Canada Aviation Museum in Ottawa, has again kindly sent me a long list of Canadian military history MA theses and PhD dissertations for my ongoing list. Again, many thanks Renald and sorry for the delay in posting these! The material is as follows:

Berg, Glen, "Scrambling for Dollars: Resource Allocation and the Politics of Canadian Fighter Aircraft Procurement, 1943-1983", MA thesis, Royal Military College of Canada, 1994;

Blazanovic, Nick N., "The Rebirth of North American Air Defence", MA thesis, University of Manitoba, 1994;

Bristman, Barry, "In the Strategic Interests of Canada: Canadian Arms Sales to Israel and Other Middle East States, 1949-1956", MA thesis, University of Calgary, 1992;

Cafferky, Michael Shawn, "Towards the Balanced Fleet: A History of the Royal Canadian Naval Air Service, 1943-1945", MA thesis, University of Victoria, 1990;

Davison, Janet Frances, "We shall remember: Canadian Indians and World War II", MA thesis, Trent University, 1993;

Endicott, Valerie, "Woman's place (was) everywhere: A Study of Women who Worked in Aircraft Production in Toronto during the Second World War", MA thesis, University of Toronto, 1991;

English, Allan Douglas, "The cream of the crop: A Study of Selection, Training, and Policies governing Lack of Moral Fibre in Aircrew of the Royal Canadian Air Force, 1939-1945", Doctoral dissertation, Queen's University, 1994;

Gingrich, S.K., "Defence Production Sharing and Canada and the United States, 1957-1967", MA thesis, University of Victoria, 1991;

Hards, Danielle, "We are the girls behind the boys behind the guns: Military Women and the Canadian Forces", MA thesis, Carleton University, 1994;

Machabée, Ghislaine, "Vie et mort du Livre blanc sur la défense de 1987: autopsie d'une politique", MSc thèse, Université de Montréal, 1992;

Marmura, Stephen, "Covering Desert Storm: Canadian Media Commentary and the War in the Gulf", MA thesis, University of Guelph, 1993;

Van Meenen, Mary Ann, "The Canadian Intervention in Siberia, 1918-1919", MA thesis, Dalhousie University, 1990;

Nuttall, Leslie, "Canadianization and the No. 6 Bomber Group R.C.A.F.", Doctoral dissertation, University of Calgary, 1990;

Quinn, Robert James, "This is our battle, too!: Canadian Servicewomen and the Second World War", MA thesis, Dalhousie University, 1994; and

Robitaille, Éric, "Militaires et Inuit dans l'Est de l'Artique canadien, 1942-1965", MA thèse, Université Laval, 1987.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My MA thesis on a reading list ... unexpected, but nice.

Barry Bristman
barrybri at shaw dot ca