03 July 2007

Latest Issue of the Canadian Military Journal

The Spring 2007 issue (volume 8, number 1) of the Canadian Military Journal / Revue militaire canadienne (www.journal.forces.gc.ca) has now been published. Amongst its content are a few items of interest to readers of Canadian military history: Major Andrew Godefroy's "Chasing the Silver Bullet: The Evolution of Capability Development in the Canadian Army" / << À la recherche de la << solution miracle >> : l'évolution du développement des capacités au sein de l'armée canadienne >>; Gordon MacKinnon's "Major-General Malcolm Smith Mercer: The Highest Ranking Canadian Officer Killed in the Great War by Friendly Fire" / << Le major-général Malcolm Smith Mercer : l'officier canadien le plus haut gradé tué durant la grande guerre par un tir ami >>; and Ken Reynolds' "'Not a man fell out and the party marched into Arras singing': The Royal Guard at the Unveiling of the Vimy Memorial, 1936" / << << Pas un homme n'a rompu les rangs, et les troupes ont avancé sur Arras en chantant >> - La Garde royale à l'inauguration du monument commémoratif de Vimy, 1936"; as well as several book reviews of note.

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