29 October 2007

Latest issue of Canadian Military Journal

The latest issue - vol.8, no.2 (Summer 2007) - of the Canadian Military Journal / Revue militaire canadienne is now out, at least the electronic version anyway. As usual, the journal contains some material of particular interest to students of Canadian military history, including:

Adam Lajeunesse, "The Distant Early Warning Line and the Canadian Battle for Public Perception" / ; « Le réseau d'alerte avancé et la bataille de la perception au Canada »

Gregory Liedtke, "Canadian Offensive Operations in Normandy Revisited" / « Un nouveau regard sur les opérations offensives canadiennes en Normandie »; and

Lieutenant Timothy C. Winegard, "Special Report: Here at Vimy: A Retrospective - the 90th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge" / « Compte rendu spécial - ici à Vimy : Retour sur le 90e anniversaire de la bataille de Vimy »;

as well as several book reviews.

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