Volume 2, Issue 1, 1967:
J.L. Granatstein, "The Conservative Party and Conscription in the Second World War", pp.130-148;
Volume 4, Issue 1, 1969:
Robert Cuff, "Organizing for War: Canada and the United States during World War I", pp.141-156;
Volume 6, Issue 1, 1971:
F.J. Thorpe, "Fish, Forts and Finance: The Politics of French Construction at Placentia, 1699-1710", pp.52-64;
David Gagan, "The Historical Identity of the Denison Family of Toronto, 1792-1860", pp.124-137;
René Durocher, "Henri Bourassa, les évêques et la guerre de 1914-1918", pp.248-275;
Volume 7, Issue 1, 1972:
John H. Thompson, "'The Beginning of our Regeneration': The Great War and Western Canadian Reform Movements", pp.231-245;
Volume 11, Issue 1, 1976:
Ruth Pierson, "Women's Emancipation and the Recruitment of Women into the Canadian Labour Force in World War II", pp.141-173;
John H. Thompson, "'Permanently Wasteful but Immediately Profitable': Prairie Agriculture and the Great War", pp.193-206;
Volume 13, Issue 1, 1978:
Ruth Roach Pierson, "'Jill Canuck': CWAC of All Trades, but No 'Pistol Packing Momma'", pp.106-133;
Paul M. Couture, "The Vichy-Free French Propaganda War in Quebec, 1940 to 1942", pp.200-216; and
William R. Young, "Academics and Social Scientists versus the Press: The Policies of the Bureau of Public Information and the Wartime Information Board, 1939 to 1945", pp.217-240.