23 September 2006

Latest issue of the Canadian Military Journal

The latest issue of the Canadian Military Journal / Revue militaire canadienne (vol.7, no.2, summer / été 2006) has been published. Purely historical material includes an article by Major-General Daniel Gosselin, "Canada's Participation in the Wars of the Early 20th Century: Planting the Seeds of Military Autonomy and National Command" / "La participation du Canada aux guerres du début du xxe siècle : semer les graines de l'autonomie militaire et du commandement national" and Major Michel Boire, "Le Marquis de Montcalm and the Battle for Québec, September 1759: A Re-Assessment" / "Le Marquis de Montcalm et la bataille de Québec, septembre 1759 : une réévaluation" as well as book reviews on Lance Goddard's Canada and the Liberation of the Netherlands, May 1945 and W.P. Kerr's Port Royal Habitation: The Story of the French and Mi'kmaq at Port-Royal 1604-1613.

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