I completely forgot to enter the Canadian military history content of the latest issue of The Canadian Army Journal / Le Journal de l'Armée du Canada (volume 9, number 1, Spring 2006) when it was issued a few weeks back. Better late than never. The relevant articles and pieces includes Robert L. Boyer's "A Part of our Heritage - Canada and the United Nations Emergency Force: 1956-1967" / "Un élément de notre patrimoine : le Canada et la Force d'urgence des Nations Unies : 1956-1967"; Patrick H. Brennan's "Good Men For a Hard Job: Infantry Battalion Commanders in the Canadian Expeditionary Force" / "Des bons hommes pour une dure tâche : les commandants des bataillons d'infanterie du Corps expéditionnaire canadien"; Terry Copp's "Canadian Operational Art: The Seige of Boulogne and Calais" / "Art opérationnel canadien : le siège de Boulogne et de Calais"; and, Karen Johnstone's "Soldier Remembers Canada's Deployment to Vietnam in 1973" / "Un militaire se souvient : la présence du Canada au Vietnam en 1973"; as well as a handful of book reviews.
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