My apologies for the delay in posting any new content. I was away with my family on a short vacation.
Just to emphasize the content of my last message, Major Andrew Godefroy and the other good folks in Kingston have issued the Summer 2006 issue (volume 9, number 2) of The Canadian Army Journal / Le Journal de l'Armée du Canada. As usual, this journal contains several items on Canadian military history including: "The Battle of the Somme - 90th Anniversary The 1st Newfoundland Regiment at Beaumont Hamel, 1st July 1916" / "La Bataille de la Somme - 90e Anniversaire le 1er Newfoundland Regiment à Beaumont-Hamel, 1er juillet 1916", by Robert L. Boyer; "The Forgotten: Lieutenant General E.L.M. "Tommy" Burns and UN Peacekeeping in the Middle East" / "L'Oublié : Le Lieutenant-Général E.L.M. "Tommy" Burns et le Maintien de la Paix par les Nations Unies au Moyen-Orient", by Sean M. Maloney; and, "Four Names on the Vimy Memorial: The 38th Battalion's Trench Raid of 22 February 1917" / "Quatre noms inscrits sur le Mémorial de Vimy : le Raid de tranchée le 22 février 1917 par le 38e Bataillon", by yours truly.
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