The index of the Report of the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association (the earliest of the CHA annual journals) has been published for its issues from volume 1 (1922) through volume 44 (1965), some of which contain articles of interest to readers of Canadian military history, including:
Volume 1, Issue 1, 1922:
L-A. Prud'homme, "Anciens forts dans le Nord-Ouest", pp.35-37;
Volume 3, Issue 1, 1924:
Aegidius Fauteux, "Montcalm", pp.25-44;
Frances Staton, "The Compilation of a Bibliography of the Rebellion of 1837-38", pp.66-72;
Volume 5, Issue 1, 1926:
Gustave Lanctot, "Les troupes de la Nouvelle-France", pp.40-60;
J. Clarence Webster, "Rise and Fall of Louisbourg", pp.95-109;
Volume 11, Issue 1, 1932:
D.C. Harvey, "Machias and the Invasion of Nova Scotia", pp.17-28;
Volume 13, Issue 1, 1934:
C.P. Stacey, "British Military Policy in Canada in the Era of Federation", pp.20-29;
Volume 14, Issue 1, 1935:
C.P. Stacey, "The Fenian Troubles and Canadian Military Development, 1865-1871", pp.26-35;
A. Fortescue Duguid, "Canadians in Battle, 1915-1918", pp.36-50;
Volume 15, Issue 1, 1936:
E.R. Adair, "The Military Reputation of Major-General James Wolfe: Presidential Address", pp.7-31.
A journey through Canada's military history / Un voyage par l'histoire militaire du Canada
31 August 2008
29 August 2008
New Books at Library and Archives Canada (August 2008)
Library and Archives Canada ( has released its new books list for August 2008. The list includes the following items of interest (including some not yet released for sale and some which seem to have been out for sale for a while now) with respect to Canadian military history:
Gerry Carline, Duncan's War: The War-Time Letters (1916-1919) of Duncan Munro and the Story of the 44th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force (Moose Jaw, SK: G. Carline, 2008);
Norman Leach, Passchendaele: Canada's Triumph and Tragedy on the Fields of Flanders: An Illustrated History (Regina: Coteau Books, 2008);
John Irvine Little, Loyalties in Conflict: A Canadian Borderland War and Rebellion, 1812-1840 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008);
D. Peter MacLeod, Northern Armageddon: The Battle of the Plains of Abraham (Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 2008);
W. David Parsons, The Best Small-Boat Men in the Navy: The Newfoundland Division of the Royal Naval Reserve, 1902-1921 (St. John's, NL: DRC Publishing, 2008);
Peter Pigott, Canada in Sudan: War without Borders (Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2008);
Jeff Stouffer and Craig Leslie Mantle (Eds.), Leveraging Trust: A Force Multiplier for Today (Kingston: Canadian Defence Academy Press, 2008); and
Guy Partington Wainman, Astonishing Luck: The Unique and Revealing Story of a Modest Man who made a Major Contribution! (Orillia, ON: G.W. Wainman, 2008).
27 August 2008
MA theses and PhD dissertations - part 20
More results from the Library and Archives Canada theses portal - MAs and PhDs with specific reference to Canadian military history (some have direct links to their PDFed versions) (Note: I've stopped linking them directly to the LAC webpage as these don't seem to remain unchanged very long):
Robert Charles Aitken, "Undo the myth maker: A Comparison of Ritual Torture and Religious Transaction in Popular Religious Rioting during the French Wars of Religion, and the Huron Prisoner of War Execution Ceremony in North America during the End of the Sixteenth Century", MA thesis, Concordia University, 2006;
John Charles Blaxland, "Strategic Cousins: Canada, Australia and their Use of Expeditionary Forces from the Boer War to the War on Terror", PhD dissertation, The Royal Military College of Canada, 2004;
Charles S. Bradley, "The Education of Non-Commissioned Officers, Soldiers and their Children in Britain's Canadian Garrisons, 1800-1890", MA thesis, Carleton University, 2002;
Charles Gordon Brewer, "The Diocese of Antigonish and World War I", MA thesis, University of New Brunswick, 1975;
David Charles Gregory Campbell, "The Divisional Experience in the C.E.F.: A Social and Operational History of the 2nd Canadian Division, 1915-1918", PhD dissertation, University of Calgary, 2004;
Charles Alexander Cotton, "The Divided Army: Role Orientations among Canada's Peacetime Soldiers", PhD dissertation, Carleton University, 1980;
Bernard Charles Leblanc, "A Reluctant Recruit: Angus L. Macdonald and Conscription, 1940-1945", MA thesis, Queen's University, 1987;
Toby Charles Douglas Lennox, "Pressure Groups and Canadian Security Policy: The Case of the SDI and NORAD Decisions", MA thesis, Dalhousie University, 1986;
Arthur Charles Odell, "The Origins, Development and Utilization of the 5th Canadian Armoured Division", MA thesis, University of Victoria, 1976; and
Charles Russel Spina, "War by other means: Quebec's Contribution to Canada's War", MA thesis, University of Ottawa, 1979.
Robert Charles Aitken, "Undo the myth maker: A Comparison of Ritual Torture and Religious Transaction in Popular Religious Rioting during the French Wars of Religion, and the Huron Prisoner of War Execution Ceremony in North America during the End of the Sixteenth Century", MA thesis, Concordia University, 2006;
John Charles Blaxland, "Strategic Cousins: Canada, Australia and their Use of Expeditionary Forces from the Boer War to the War on Terror", PhD dissertation, The Royal Military College of Canada, 2004;
Charles S. Bradley, "The Education of Non-Commissioned Officers, Soldiers and their Children in Britain's Canadian Garrisons, 1800-1890", MA thesis, Carleton University, 2002;
Charles Gordon Brewer, "The Diocese of Antigonish and World War I", MA thesis, University of New Brunswick, 1975;
David Charles Gregory Campbell, "The Divisional Experience in the C.E.F.: A Social and Operational History of the 2nd Canadian Division, 1915-1918", PhD dissertation, University of Calgary, 2004;
Charles Alexander Cotton, "The Divided Army: Role Orientations among Canada's Peacetime Soldiers", PhD dissertation, Carleton University, 1980;
Bernard Charles Leblanc, "A Reluctant Recruit: Angus L. Macdonald and Conscription, 1940-1945", MA thesis, Queen's University, 1987;
Toby Charles Douglas Lennox, "Pressure Groups and Canadian Security Policy: The Case of the SDI and NORAD Decisions", MA thesis, Dalhousie University, 1986;
Arthur Charles Odell, "The Origins, Development and Utilization of the 5th Canadian Armoured Division", MA thesis, University of Victoria, 1976; and
Charles Russel Spina, "War by other means: Quebec's Contribution to Canada's War", MA thesis, University of Ottawa, 1979.
25 August 2008
McMaster University First World War Maps and Aerial Photography
Some time ago the good folks over at the CEF Study Group ( posted material on a new project undertaken by McMaster University Libraries called "World War I Military Maps & Aerial Photography - France & Belgium" ( As the website notes: "In the early 1970s, McMaster University Library acquired a World War I collection of archival material. Included in this collection were over 400 World War I military maps which now reside in the William Ready Division of Archives and Research Collections." Most of the maps are of the British Ordnance Survey variety with a few German and French maps also available. Most of the maps are 1:10,000, 1:20,000 and 1:40,000 scale and leans towards 1917 and 1918. The aerial photographs, approximately 350 in total, are mostly Royal Air Force products from 1917 and 1918. There is also a wide variety of explanatory material to help with deciphering exactly what it is you're looking at and how to read the maps.
McMaster University First World War Military Maps and Aerial Photography
Some time ago the good folks over at the CEF Study Group ( posted material on a new project undertaken by McMaster University Libraries called "World War I Military Maps & Aerial Photography - France & Belgium" ( As the website notes: "In the early 1970s, McMaster University Library acquired a World War I collection of archival material. Included in this collection were over 400 World War I military maps which now reside in the William Ready Division of Archives and Research Collections." Most of the maps are of the British Ordnance Survey variety with a few German and French maps also available. Most of the maps are 1:10,000, 1:20,000 and 1:40,000 scale and leans towards 1917 and 1918. The aerial photographs, approximately 350 in total, are mostly Royal Air Force products from 1917 and 1918. There is also a wide variety of explanatory material to help with deciphering exactly what it is you're looking at and how to read the maps.
22 August 2008
Index of the Journal of the Canadian Historical Association

Daniel Byers, "Mobilising Canada: The National Resources Mobilization Act, the Department of National Defence, and Compulsory Military Service in Canada, 1940-1945", vol.7, no.1, 1996, pp.175-203;
Lara Campbell, "'We who have wallowed in the mud of Flanders': First World War Veterans, Unemployment and the Development of Social Welfare in Canada, 1929-1939", vol.11, no.1, 2000, pp.125-149;
Michael Carroll, "Canada and the Financing of the United Nations Emergency Force, 1957-1963", vol.13, no.1, 2002, pp.217-234;
Tim Cook, "'Literary Memorials': The Great War Regimental Histories, 1919-1939", vol.13, no.1, 2002, pp.167-190;
Christian Dessureault et Roch Legault, "Évolution organisationnelle et sociale de la milice sédentaire canadienne : le cas du bataillon de Saint-Hyacinthe, 1808-1830", vol.8, no.1, 1997, pp.87-112;
Magda Fahmi, "The Romance of Reunion: Montreal War Veterans Return to Family Life, 1944-1949", vol.9, no.1, 1998, pp.187-208;
Lanny Hannant, "'My God, are they sending women?': Three Canadian Women in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939", vol.15, no.1, 2004, pp.153-176;
Rachel Lea Heide, "Allies in Complicity: The United States, Canada, and the Clayton Knight Committee's Clandestine Recruiting of Americans for the Royal Canadian Air Force, 1940-1942", vol.15, no.1, 2004, pp.207-230;
Michael A. Hennessy, "World War II and the Rebirth and Death of Canada's Merchant Marine", vol.6, no.1, 1995, pp.209-241;
Mark Osborne Humphries, "The Horror at Home: The Canadian Military and the "Great" Influenza Pandemic of 1918", vol.16, no.1, 2005, pp.235-260;
Linda J. Quiney, "'Sharing the Halo': Social and Professional Tensions in the Work of World War I Canadian Volunteer Nurses", vol.9, no.1, 1998, pp.105-124;
Ian K. Steele, "Hostage-Taking 1754: Virginians vs Canadians", vol.16, no.1, 2005, pp.49-73; and
Michael D. Stevenson, "The Mobilisation of Native Canadians during the Second World War", vol.7, no.1, 1996, pp.205-226.
20 August 2008
Conference on Loyalism and the Revolutionary Atlantic World
Professor Stephen Miller, Associate Professor of History, University of Maine, has sent out a call for papers and a conference announcement for "Loyalism and the Revolutionary Atlantic World", to be held 4-6 June 2008, at the University of Maine, in Orono, Maine. As the release notes:
"This conference will bring together specialists who employ trans-national perspectives to better understand opposition to the American Revolution and its broader significance throughout the Atlantic world. The organizers welcome individual paper and panel proposals from scholars in all disciplines who explore loyalism beyond a U.S. national framework. British imperial, Canadian, Atlantic, and global perspectives are all expected to be addressed over the course of the conference."
Paper proposals - hard copy only - should consist of a 750 word abstract and a short CV, with panel proposals also including a 500 word "rationale for the panel", all due by 3 October 2008. Proposals should be sent to Liam Riordan/Stephen Hornsby, Attn: Loyalism Conference, History Department, 5774 Stevens Hall, Room 275, University of Maine, Orono, ME, 04469-5774.
17 August 2008
MA theses and PhD dissertations - part 19
More results from the Library and Archives Canada theses portal - MAs and PhDs with specific reference to Canadian military history (some have direct links to their PDFed versions):
Denyse Beaugrand-Champagne, « Les mouvements patriote et loyal dans les comtés de Missisquoi, Shefford et Stanstead, 1834-1837 », MA thèse, Université du Québec à Montréal, 1990;
Margaret Isabel Catherine Campbell, "Harmony and Dissonance: A Study of the Influence of Foreign Policy Goals on Military Decision-Making with Respect to the Canadian NATO Brigade in Germany, 1951-1964", PhD thesis, Université Laval, 2000 [direct PDF link];
Jay Cassel, "The troupes de la marine in Canada, 1683-1760", PhD dissertation, University of Toronto, 1988;
Stefania Halyna Cepuch, "Our guests are busy: The Internment and Labour of German Prisoners of War in Ontario, 1940-1946", MA thesis, Queen's University, 1992;
Michael Pearson Cessford, "Hard in the attack: The Canadian Army in Sicily and Italy, July 1943 - June 1944", PhD dissertation, Carleton University, 1996;
Dean Andrew Chappelle, "The most brilliant of successes: The Planning and Implementation of the Battle of Amiens, 8-11 August, 1918", MA thesis, University of New Brunswick, 1992;
André Charbonneau, Yvon Desloges, et Marc Lafrance, « Les fortifications de Québec du XVIIe au XIXe siècle », PhD thèse, Université Laval, 1982;
François Charbonneau, « La crise de la conscription pentant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et l'identité canadienne-française », MA thèse, Université d'Ottawa, 2000 [direct PDF link];
Ramesh Chandra Thakur, "Canada, India and the Vietnam War: Peacekeeping, Foreign Policy and International Politics", PhD dissertation, Queen's University, 1978; and
Nicole Gail Catherine Woodman-Harvey, "Gendered Nationalism: Ontario's Defence Training, Health and Physical Education Curriculum and the Second World War", MA thesis, University of Toronto, 2000 [direct PDF link].
Denyse Beaugrand-Champagne, « Les mouvements patriote et loyal dans les comtés de Missisquoi, Shefford et Stanstead, 1834-1837 », MA thèse, Université du Québec à Montréal, 1990;
Margaret Isabel Catherine Campbell, "Harmony and Dissonance: A Study of the Influence of Foreign Policy Goals on Military Decision-Making with Respect to the Canadian NATO Brigade in Germany, 1951-1964", PhD thesis, Université Laval, 2000 [direct PDF link];
Jay Cassel, "The troupes de la marine in Canada, 1683-1760", PhD dissertation, University of Toronto, 1988;
Stefania Halyna Cepuch, "Our guests are busy: The Internment and Labour of German Prisoners of War in Ontario, 1940-1946", MA thesis, Queen's University, 1992;
Michael Pearson Cessford, "Hard in the attack: The Canadian Army in Sicily and Italy, July 1943 - June 1944", PhD dissertation, Carleton University, 1996;
Dean Andrew Chappelle, "The most brilliant of successes: The Planning and Implementation of the Battle of Amiens, 8-11 August, 1918", MA thesis, University of New Brunswick, 1992;
André Charbonneau, Yvon Desloges, et Marc Lafrance, « Les fortifications de Québec du XVIIe au XIXe siècle », PhD thèse, Université Laval, 1982;
François Charbonneau, « La crise de la conscription pentant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et l'identité canadienne-française », MA thèse, Université d'Ottawa, 2000 [direct PDF link];
Ramesh Chandra Thakur, "Canada, India and the Vietnam War: Peacekeeping, Foreign Policy and International Politics", PhD dissertation, Queen's University, 1978; and
Nicole Gail Catherine Woodman-Harvey, "Gendered Nationalism: Ontario's Defence Training, Health and Physical Education Curriculum and the Second World War", MA thesis, University of Toronto, 2000 [direct PDF link].
15 August 2008
New books (July 2008) at Library and Archives Canada
Library and Archives Canada ( has released its new books list for July 2008. The list includes the following items of interest (including some not yet released for sale and some which seem to have been out for sale for a while now) with respect to Canadian military history:
Robert A. Darlington and Fraser McKee, Three Princes Armed: Luxury Liners to Warships (Victoria, BC: Darlington/McKee Publishing Team, 2008);
Simon Falconer, Canada's Black Watch: An Illustrated History of the Regular Force Battalions, 1951-1970 (Fredericton, NB: Goose Lane Editions, 2008);
Éva Lucie Gagné, Les Canadiens à l'assaut : journal de la 13e Batterie, 1914-1918 (Ottawa: CEF Books, 2008); and
William D. Naftel, Halifax at War: Searchlights, Squadrons and Submaries, 1939-1945 (Halifax, NS: Formac Publishing, 2008).
Robert A. Darlington and Fraser McKee, Three Princes Armed: Luxury Liners to Warships (Victoria, BC: Darlington/McKee Publishing Team, 2008);
Simon Falconer, Canada's Black Watch: An Illustrated History of the Regular Force Battalions, 1951-1970 (Fredericton, NB: Goose Lane Editions, 2008);
Éva Lucie Gagné, Les Canadiens à l'assaut : journal de la 13e Batterie, 1914-1918 (Ottawa: CEF Books, 2008); and
William D. Naftel, Halifax at War: Searchlights, Squadrons and Submaries, 1939-1945 (Halifax, NS: Formac Publishing, 2008).
13 August 2008
Index of The Canadian Historical Review part 9

Vol.82, No.2 (June 2001):
Richard Harris and Tricia Shulist, "Canada's Reluctant Housing Program: The Veterans' Land Act, 1942-75", pp.253-282;
Vol.83, No.1 (March 2002):
Tim Cook, "Clio's Soldiers: Charles Stacey and the Army Historical Section in the Second World War", pp.29-57;
Vol.85, No.4 (December 2004):
Tim Cook, "The Madman and the Butcher: Sir Sam Hughes, Sir Arthur Currie, and their War of Reputations", pp.693-720;
Vol.86, No.4 (December 2005):
John Macfarlane, "Agents of Control or Chaos? A Strike at Arvida helps clarify Canadian Policy on using Troops against Workers during the Second World War", pp.619-640;
Vol.87, No.2 (June 2006):
Benjamin Isitt, "Mutiny from Victoria to Vladivostok, December 1918", pp.223-264; and
Vol.87, No.3 (September 2006):
Timothy Balzar, "'In Case the Raid is Unsuccessful...': Selling Dieppe to Canadians", pp.409-430.
(review ceased after Vol.89, No.1 (March 2008), the last issue published at this point.)
10 August 2008
First World War online exhibition from the Canadian War Museum

In an e-mail sent by Tim Cook, the First World War Historian at the Canadian War Museum he notes that the project incorporates more than 700 digitized images of artefacts, 6,000 official photographs and more than 100,000 words of interpretative text. He writes that visitors to the online exhibition can "move thematically by subject matter - navigating along top and side bars - or delve into artifacts directly. When examining the artifact images, there is an extremely robust viewing mechanism - zoomify - that allows for deep enhancement."
Canada and the First World War is reportedly just the first of the museum's internet-based exhibitions, and a new one is expected next year on the Royal Canadian Navy.
08 August 2008
MA theses and PhD dissertations - part 18
More results from the Library and Archives Canada theses portal - MAs and PhDs with specific reference to Canadian military history (some have direct links to their PDFed versions):
Carl Benn, "The Iroquois in the War of 1812", PhD dissertation, York University, 1995;
Louise Cameron, "L'anecdote militaire dans la publicité de marque, 1914-1918", MA thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 1980;
John Robinson Campbell, "James Layton Ralston and Manpower for the Canadian Army", MA thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1984;
Murray John Cardwell, "The British Expedition against Fort Ticonderoga in 1758", MA thesis, University of New Brunswick, 1990;
William S. Carter, "Anglo-Canadian Wartime Relations, 1939-1945: RAF Bomber Command and No. 6 (Canadian) Group", PhD dissertation, McMaster University, 1989;
Wesley Carl Gustavson, "Missing the Boat?: Colonel A.F. Duguid and the Canadian Official History of World War I", MA thesis, University of Calgary, 1999 [direct PDF link];
Carolyn J. Keeler, "Combatting Culture: The Silent Debate over the Canadian Military Tradition", MA thesis, University of Manitoba, 1998 [direct PDF link];
Cameron Walter Pulsifer, "Highland Officers in Halifax: A Social, Cultural, and Military Study of the Officer Corps of the 78th Highland Regiment of Foot in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1869-71", PhD dissertation, Queen's University, 1992;
Ellen Carrie Scheinberg, "Women, War, and Work: Female Textile Workers in Cornwall, Ontario, 1936-1946", MA thesis, Queen's University, 1990; and
Carl E. Swanson, "Predators and Prizes: Privateering in the British Colonies during the War of 1739-1748", PhD dissertation, University of Western Ontario, 1979.
Carl Benn, "The Iroquois in the War of 1812", PhD dissertation, York University, 1995;
Louise Cameron, "L'anecdote militaire dans la publicité de marque, 1914-1918", MA thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 1980;
John Robinson Campbell, "James Layton Ralston and Manpower for the Canadian Army", MA thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1984;
Murray John Cardwell, "The British Expedition against Fort Ticonderoga in 1758", MA thesis, University of New Brunswick, 1990;
William S. Carter, "Anglo-Canadian Wartime Relations, 1939-1945: RAF Bomber Command and No. 6 (Canadian) Group", PhD dissertation, McMaster University, 1989;
Wesley Carl Gustavson, "Missing the Boat?: Colonel A.F. Duguid and the Canadian Official History of World War I", MA thesis, University of Calgary, 1999 [direct PDF link];
Carolyn J. Keeler, "Combatting Culture: The Silent Debate over the Canadian Military Tradition", MA thesis, University of Manitoba, 1998 [direct PDF link];
Cameron Walter Pulsifer, "Highland Officers in Halifax: A Social, Cultural, and Military Study of the Officer Corps of the 78th Highland Regiment of Foot in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1869-71", PhD dissertation, Queen's University, 1992;
Ellen Carrie Scheinberg, "Women, War, and Work: Female Textile Workers in Cornwall, Ontario, 1936-1946", MA thesis, Queen's University, 1990; and
Carl E. Swanson, "Predators and Prizes: Privateering in the British Colonies during the War of 1739-1748", PhD dissertation, University of Western Ontario, 1979.
06 August 2008
Latest issue of The Journal of Military History

Galen Roger Perras and Katrina E. Kellner, "'A perfectly logical and sensible thing': Billy Mitchell Advocates a Canadian-American Aerial Alliance against Japan", pp.785-823;
a book review of P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Chris M.V. Madsen's Kurt Meyer on Trial: A Documentary Record; and
a mention of Donald C. Story's, "The Origins of of the Cancellation of Canada's Avro CF-105 Arrow Fighter Program: A Failure of Strategy", Journal of Strategic Studies, vol.30 (December 2007): 1025-1050).
03 August 2008
Index of The Canadian Historical Review part 8

Vol.71, No.4 (1990):
Roger Sarty, "Canadian Maritime Defence, 1892-1914", pp.462-490;
Vol.73, No.3 (1992):
Gregory S. Kealey, "State Repression of Labour and the Left in Canada, 1914-20: The Impact of the First World War", pp.281-314;
Jeff Keshen, "All the News That Was Fit to Print: Ernest J. Chambers and Information Control in Canada, 1914-19", pp.315-343;
Vol.76, No.1 (1995):
Allan Greek, "1837-38: Rebellion Reconsidered", pp.1-18; and
Vol.77, No.1 (1996):
Paul Maroney, "'The Great Adventure': The Context and Ideology of Recruiting in Ontario, 1914-17", pp.62-98.
01 August 2008
H-Net reviews of books on Canadian military history

John Griffith Armstrong, The Halifax Explosion and the Royal Canadian Navy: Inquiry and Intrigue;
Martin Auger, Prisoners on the Home Front: German POWs and "Enemy Aliens" in Southern Quebec, 1940-1946;
Stephen Brumwell, Paths of Glory: The Life and Death of General James Wolfe;
Douglas E. Delaney, The Soldiers' General: Bert Hoffmeister at War;
Paul Douglas Dickson, A Thoroughly Canadian General: A Biography of General H.D.G. Crerar;
Serge Marc Durflinger, Fighting from Home: The Second World War in Verdun, Quebec;
R.B. Fleming (Ed.), The Wartime Letters of Leslie and Cecil Frost, 1915-1919;
Evan Haefeli and Kevin Sweeney, Captors and Captives: The 1704 French and Indian Raid on Deerfield;
Geoffrey Hayes, Andrew Iarocci, and Mike Bechthold (Eds.), Vimy Ridge: A Canadian Reassessment;
Paul Jackson, One of the Boys: Homosexuality in the Military during World War II;
Richard O. Mayne, Betrayed: Scandal, Politics and Naval Leadership;
Cynthia Toman, An Officer and a Lady: Canadian Military Nursing and the Second World War;
Jonathan F. Vance, Death So Noble: Memory, Meaning, and the First World War; and
Michael Whitby (Ed.), Commanding Canadians: The Second World War Diaries of A.F.C. Layard.
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