In a previous entry I mentioned a couple of new publications from the University of British Columbia Press. More details have been announced on these books. P. Whitney Lackenbauer's Battle Grounds: The Canadian Military and Aboriginal Lands is now available. UBC Press's website states: "In recent years, closures of Canadian Forces facilities, the military's continued use of airspace for weapons testing and low-level flying, increased environmental awareness, and Aboriginal land claims have contributed to a growing interest in the acquisition, use, and development of Aboriginal lands for military training. A study of these spaces and places, and the relationships and activities that shaped them, Battle Grounds analyzes a century of relationships between government officials and Aboriginal communities." Likewise, Richard Mayne's Scandal, Politics, and Canadian Naval Leadership can now be ordered. The same website notes: "In January 1944, Canada's top admiral, Percy Walker Nelles, was fired from his post as head of the Royal Canadian Navy. Traditional accounts maintain that Nelles's termination was the result of severe operational deficiencies within the navy. This intriguing history reveals the true story behind Vice Admiral Nelles's dismissal: a divisive power struggle between two elite groups within the RCN - the navy's regular officers, and a small group of self-appointed spokesmen of the voluntary naval reserve."
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