The 16th Annual Air Force Historical Workshop will be held in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue (Montreal), Quebec on 1-2 June 2010. Titled "De-Icing Required! The Historical Dimension of the Canadian Air Force's Experience in the Arctic", presenters include:
Dr Sandy Babcock, Centre for Operational Research and Analysis, "Operation CANON: A Case Study of Early Royal Canadian Air Force Arctic Search and Rescue Capabilities";
Colonel (ret'd) Ernest Cable, Shearwater Aviation Museum, "The Air Force: A Leader in Canada's Arctic";
Dr Richard Goette, Queen's University, "Building RCAF Arctic 'Air Mindedness'";
Rachel Heide, Directorate Future Security Analysis, "Frigid Ambitions: The Venture of the Alert Wireless Station and Lessons Learned for the Canada First Defence Strategy";
Daniel Heidt, University of Western Ontario, (with Dr P. Whitney Lackenbauer), "Sovereignty for Hire: Civilian Contractors and the Distant Early Warning Line";
Peter Kikkert, University of Western Ontario, "Creating a Role: The Air Force in the Arctic, 1945-1953";
Dr P Whitney Lackenbauer, St. Jerome's University, "At the Crossroads of Militarism and Modernization: Inuit-Air Force Relations in the Cold War Arctic"; and
Major Ray Stouffer, The Royal Military College of Canada, "A Joint Solution to a Strategic Threat: The RCAF and the Mobile Striking Force, 1948-1955".
For further information contact Major Bill March at or at 613-392-2811 ext 4656.
A journey through Canada's military history / Un voyage par l'histoire militaire du Canada
28 March 2010
26 March 2010
Canadian Navy Conference at the CWM/MCG

As the press release notes:
Explore new approaches to history in this ground-breaking conference with internationally recognized historians and seasoned naval professionals from Australia, Britain, Canada, India, New Zealand, Singapore and the United States. Organized in cooperation with the Canadian Navy in celebration of its Centennial.The draft programme for the conference includes numerous Canadian and non-Canadian subjects in naval history, some of which are:
Découvrez des façons novatrices d'aborder l'histoire en assistant à cette conférence révolutionnaire qui réunira des historiens et des professionnels de la marine expérimentés de renommée internationale venus de l'Inde, de la Nouvelle-Zélande et des États-Unis. Rencontre organisée par la Marine canadienne dans le cadre de son centenaire.
Rear-Admiral James Goldrick, Royal Australian Navy, "From Fleets to Navies: The Evolution of Dominion Fleets into Independent Services" (keynote address);
Dr Christopher Bell, Dalhousie University, "Winston Churchill, Dominion Navies, and Imperial Defence";
Dr Isabell Campbell, Department of National Defence, "Canadian Insights into NATO Naval Strategy 1949 to 1964";
Lieutenant (N) Jason Delaney, Canadian Forces, "Towards an Operational Capability: Canadian and Allied Submarine Procurement Programs during the Cold War and After";
Dr Norman Friedman, "The Commonwealth Approach to Atlantic Warfare, 1945-55";
Commodore Richard Greenwood, Canadian Forces, "An Engineer's Outline of Canadian Naval History, 1970-2010";
Commander (ret'd) Peter Haydon, "A Tale of Two Navies: The Canada-US Naval Relationship during the Cold War";
Captain (RN, ret'd) Peter Hore, "Canada from Afar: Reputation and Character";
Dr Rob Huebert, University of Calgary, "The Quest for a Canadian Naval Strategy, 1991-2010";
Commander (ret'd) Ken Mackenzie, "Scare-mongering or Preparedness?: Navy Leagues of the Empire-Commonwealth, 1895-1939";
Dr Roger Sarty, Wilfrid Laurier University, "A Navy of Necessity: Canadian Naval Forces, 1867-2010";
Captain (N) Elizabeth Steele, Canadian Forces, "Commonwealth Logistics Cooperation, 1970-2010"; and
Dr Nicholas Tracy, "Canada's Naval Strategy: Old and New Dimensions of Purposeful Force".
24 March 2010
21st Military History Colloquium at WLU

Mike Bechthold, Wilfrid Laurier University, "Lost in Normandy: The Epic Tragedy of Worthington Force";
Michael Boire, War Studies, Royal Military College of Canada, "Imperial Armour: 1st Canadian Armoured Brigade and Interoperability in the Eighth Army";
David A. Borys, University of New Brunswick, "The Fight Against Collateral Damage: Civil Affairs in First Canadian Army";
Stephen Bourque, School of Advanced Military Studies, "What we didn't know: The Effect of the Normandy Air Campaign on French Civilians" (keynote address);
Graham Broad, King's University College at the University of Western Ontario, "'When the Bombs Start Dropping, Run Like Hell': Civilian Air Raid Precautions in Canada, 1939-1945";
Mathieu Brosseau and Marie-Hélène Leclerc, Canadian Forces College, NCMPDC, "The Corvette: The Canadian Response to the Convoy Crisis";
Andrew Burtch, Canadian War Museum, "Canada's Survival Army: The Berlin Crisis and the National Survival Militia Training Plan";
Gary Campbell, University of New Brunswick, "Defending New Brunswick during the War of 1812: The Implementation of Captain Gustavus Nicoll's Report";
Kelly-Anne Campbell, War Studies, Royal Military College of Canada, "Oil and Blood for Blood and Oil: The Canadian Merchant Navy in the Second World War";
Zack Cavasin, University of Ottawa, "The Battle to Rebuild: Canadian Military Relations with the Civil Population after the Battle of Ortona";
Tim Cook, Canadian War Museum, "The Madman Revisited";
Terry Copp, Wilfrid Laurier University, "Some Reflections on the Italian Campaign" (keynote address);
Sarah Cozzi, University of Ottawa, "'Where do we go from here?': Soldier-Tourists of the Canadian Expeditionary Force";
Doug Delaney, War Studies, Royal Military College of Canada, "Canadian Corps Commanders, 1939-1945: Observations on Generalship and Staff Training";
Angela Duffett, Carleton University, "Memory, Myth, and Memorials: Public Memory of the First World War in Newfoundland";
Serge Durflinger, University of Ottawa, "Making New Men: The Rehabilitation of Canada's War Blinded of the Second World War";
Alistair Edgar, Wilfrid Laurier University, "Achieving 'Afghan Good-enough?': Canadian Withdrawal from the Long War in Afghanistan";
Michelle Fowler, Wilfrid Laurier University, "'No Age Lives Entirely Alone': The Story of Major Ronald E. Balfour, Civil Affairs, First Canadian Army and his Fight to Preserve Europe's Past";
Andrew B. Godefroy, Character of War Program, Oxford University, "Arguing the Unthinkable: Ideas and Debate on Atomic Warfare in the Canadian Army Journal, 1947-1965";
Richard Goette, Royal Military College of Canada, "Canada, the United States, and the Air Defence of Sault Ste. Marie Canal during the Second World War";
John Grenier, Norwich University, "'The War on the Acadians, 1755-1759': The British Army's Conquest of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick";
Mark Osborne Humphries, "Disease, Health, and the German Army's Collapse in the Summer of 1918";
Andrew Iarocci, Canadian War Museum, "'Tanks are no bogey for the infantry...': Allied and German Approaches to Anti-Tank Defence, 1916-18";
Benjamin Isitt, University of Victoria, "From Victoria to Vladivostok: Canada's Siberian Expedition, 1917-19";
Rebecca Jensen, University of Manitoba, "Reflecting Canada: A Historiographical Look at Canadian Military History since the End of the Cold War";
Geoff Keelan, University of Waterloo, "22nd Battalion in the Great War";
David Kielstra, Wilfrid Laurier University, "The Failure of Soviet Counter-Insurgency Strategy in Afghanistan: Legacies for Canada's Withdrawal in 2011";
Kellen Kurschinski, University of Waterloo, "'Sparks and Chips': The Works Dominion Electrohome Inc from War to Peace";
Christine Leppard, University of Calgary, "The Italian Campaign Sixty-Five Years On: Lessons from the 1st Canadian Field Historical Section";
James Lutz, Royal Canadian Military Institute, "Thomas McKenzie and the Creation of Canada's Professional Army";
Raymond MacKinnon, Queen's University, "'Star Wars, Eh?': Canadian Aerospace Policy and the Militarization of Outer Space";
Craig Leslie Mantle, Canadian Forces Leadership Institute and University of Calgary, "Officer-Man Relations in Microcosm: Batmen in the Canadian Expeditionary Force during the First World War";
James McCallum, Carleton University, "'A Courage Unique in Canada's Military History': English-Canadian Newspaper Coverage of Canadian Soldiers in the Congo and the Development of the Canadian Peacekeeping Identity, 1960-1961";
Andrew McEwen, University of Waterloo, "'Not...up to my expectations': Canadians, Australians and Tanks at the Battle of Amiens";
Caitlin McWillians, Wilfrid Laurier University, "Bombers, Brutes, and Babes: Aircraft Graffiti, Nose Art, and Canadian Identity in the Royal Canadian Air Force";
Marc Milner, University of New Brunswick, "To the Far Side of the World: The Canadian Navy's Pursuit of Terrorists, Pirates, and Fleet Capability in the Post-Cold War World, 1990-2010" (keynote address);
Jonathan Minnes, Wilfrid Laurier University, "Ortona in the News";
Heather Moran, The Centre for Community Mapping, "Creating participatory public history relating to the bi-centennial celebrations of the War of 1812";
Tascha Morrison, Carleton University, "Looking Backwards, Looking Forwards: Remembrance Day in Canada";
Jeff Nilsson, University of Waterloo, "'No Patience for the Patriot who Thinks Himself Too Good': The Legion of Frontiersmen and Recruitment in Canada, 1914-1915";
Jeff Noakes, Canadian War Museum, "Mr. Midshipman Brett: Robert Benney Brett's Abbreviated Naval Career, 1915-1921";
William Pratt, University of New Brunswick, "1 Canadian Armoured Brigade and the Battle of Lake Trasimene, 20-29 June 1944";
Cameron Pulsifer, Canadian War Museum (retired), "The Great Canadian Machine Gun Mania of 1915: The Public, the Government, and the Procurement of Machine Guns for the Canadian Expeditionary Force in the First Full Year of the Great War";
Béatrice Richard, Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean, "Defining One's Own Patriotism: A French Canadian Legionary in the First World War";
John Rickard, Directorate of Army Training, "'On the Way to Normandy': Some Overlooked Aspects of the Canadian Army Prior to D-Day";
Kathryn Rose, University of Waterloo, "The History of the Department of Munition and Supply: The Trials of J. de N. Kennedy";
Roger Sarty, Wilfrid Laurier University, "S.F. Wise and the Writing of Men in Arms: How a Young RCAF Veteran became an Academic Military Historian;
Christopher Schultz, Carleton University, "The Cannon is a Good Converter: Violence on the Western Front and the Spatial-Temporal Shape of War";
Alex Souchen, University of Ottawa, "'You Make the News - We Print It': Battalion Newspapers in the 3rd Canadian Division, June-July 1944";
Matthew Trudgen, Queen's University, "A New Perspective on the US Military Facilities in the Canadian Northwest in the Second World War";
Brent Wilson, University of New Brunswick, "Keeping CEF Battalions Up to Strength: The Case of the 26th Battalion during the Great War"; and
Joseph Zeller, University of New Brunswick, "Redefining the Naval Seascape: The Emergenct of the Motor Torpedo Boat".
22 March 2010
Latest Issue of the Canadian Military Journal

Howard Coombs, "In the Wake of a Paradigm Shift: The Canadian Forces College and the Operational Level of War (1987-1995)";
Michael T. Fawcett, "The Politics of Sovereignty: Continental Defence and the Creation of NORAD"; and
Ray Stouffer, "Air Chief Frank Miller: A Civilian and Military Leader"; as well as several book reviews.
20 March 2010
2010 Canadian Historical Association Meeting program

Kristine Alexander, York University, "'This War is a Young Man's Job': Youth and Masculinity in the First World War Novels of L.M. Montgomery and Ralph Connor";
Amy Bell, Huron University College, "Murder and the Microscope: The 1942 Case";
George Buri, University of Regina, "Selling Confidence in the Face of Nuclear Annihilation: Civil Defense Propaganda in Canada, 1948-1963";
François Cartier, Musée McCord, « Le journal de James Wolfe devant Québec : controverses autour d'une source majeure de notre histoire »;
Nic Clarke, University of Ottawa, "Northern Supermen or Average Canucks?: The General Health of Canadian Expeditionary Force Recruits, 1914-1918";
Ross Fair, Ryerson University, "'A Standing Moment of Forgetfulness': War of 1812 Centennial Commemorations in Toronto, 1912-15";
Vicki Hallett, Memorial University, "Verses in the Darkness: A Newfoundland Poet Responds to the First World War";
Jeffers Lennox, Dalhousie University, "L'Acadie Trouvée: The Search for Boundaries and Imperial Conflict, 1750-1756";
Jean Martin, Ministère de la defense nationale, « L'histoire en direct : l'historien militaire, témoin des opérations canadiennes actuelles, en Afghanistan et ailleurs »;
Helene Quimper, Commission des champs de bataille nationaux, Québec, « Québec, ville assiégée 1759-1760 ou Le désir de rendre la parole aux acteurs et témoins des événements »;
Beatrice Richard, Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean, « Raconter la guerre ou Raconter sa guerre ?: Le dilemme du légionnaire Paul Caron »;
Amy Shaw, University of Lethbridge, "Creating Heroes for the Story: Canadian Soldiers in the Boer War";
Terry Bishop Stirling, Memorial University, "'Such Sad Sights One Will Never Forget': Newfoundland Women and Overseas Nursing in World War One"; and
Laurent Turcot, Université de Québec à Trois-Rivières, « The Surrender of Montreal to General Amherst, (1760) de Francis Hayman : raconter et représenter la victoire anglaise en terre canadienne ».
There will also be business meetings held for the Committee on the Second World War and the Canadian Committee on Military History.
18 March 2010
Admiral Sir Charles Kingsmill Lecture

16 March 2010
Article about The Memory Project

14 March 2010
Canadian Military History Talk in Video

11 March 2010
Latest Issue of The War of 1812 Issue
Donald Graves, "In Memoriam: Robert G. Malcomson 1949-2009";
Donald Graves, "Field Artillery and the War of 1812: Equipment, Organization, Tactics and Effectiveness";
Robert Malcomson, "Dobbs and the Royal Navy at Niagara";
Kamille T.H. Parkinson, "The War of 1812 and the Tourist Encounter in Upper Canada: Eight Watercolour Views by Philip John Bainbrigge, RE"; plus
a pair of book reviews.
09 March 2010
Article about Camp X Artefacts

07 March 2010
Latest Issue of Canadian Military History

Nic Clarke, "Passchendaele highlights uncounted casualties";
Tim Cook, "The Top 10 Most Important Books of Canadian Military History";
Maxime Dagenais, "'Une Permission ! C'est bon pour une recrue' : Discipline and Illegal Absences in the 22nd (French-Canadian) Battalion, 1915-1919";
Andrew B. Godefroy, "The Royal Military College of Canada and the Education of Officers for the Great War";
Andrew Iarocci, "'A Unique Art': Canadian Anti-Gas Respirator Production in the Second World War";
Robert Spencer, "Military Training in an Academic Environment: The University of Toronto Canadian Officers Training Corps, 1914-1968"; and
my column on Canadian Military History Electronic Resources titled "Canada's Soldiers of the South African and First World Wars at Library and Archives Canada".
05 March 2010
Program for the Society for Military History Conference

Peter Archambault, "Tradition and Pragmatism: Anglo-Canadian Defense Relations after the Second World War";
Tim Cook, "'Goodbyeeeee and Fuck You!': Masculinity, Identity, and Swearing among Canada's Great War Soldiers";
Alexander W.G. Herd, "Preparing to Fight the Bear: The Canadian Army at the Nexus of the North Atlantic Triangle"; and
Michael Whitby, "Doin' the Biz: Anti-SSBN Patrols by Canadian Submarines, 1983-87".
03 March 2010
Soldiers of the 38th reaches a milestone

Why am I mentioning it again in a moment of self-promotion. Well, recently the total number of posts, i.e. individual biographies, has passed 2,000. I'm still only about halfway to having provided basic biographies to all of the members of the 38th, but the process has been incredibly helpful in understanding the personnel side of the battalion's history, a great way to contact family members, and some small measure of saying thanks to these men of our military past.
01 March 2010
New Books List at Library and Archives Canada

Louis Baratgin, Cartoon Review of the War: Louis Baratgin's World War II Album (Montreal, 2010);
Maria da Silva, Rebels against Tories in Upper Canada 1837 (Toronto, 2010);
Dorothy Farmiloe, Jack Munroe: Canada's Forgotten Hero (Ottawa, 2010);
James G. Fergusson, Canada and Ballistic Missile Defence: Déjà vu all over again (Vancouver, 2010); and
P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Peter Kikkert, comps., The Canadian Forces and Arctic Sovereignty: Debating Roles, Interests, and Requirements, 1968-1974 (Waterloo, ON, 2010).
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