03 March 2010

Soldiers of the 38th reaches a milestone

My other main foray into the world of blogging - Soldiers of the 38th - is an attempt at an ongoing mass biography of the officers and men of the 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, during the First World War. I've mentioned this project before as an outgrowth of the (never-ending) research I've been doing into the history of the 38th Battalion, CEF.

Why am I mentioning it again in a moment of self-promotion. Well, recently the total number of posts, i.e. individual biographies, has passed 2,000. I'm still only about halfway to having provided basic biographies to all of the members of the 38th, but the process has been incredibly helpful in understanding the personnel side of the battalion's history, a great way to contact family members, and some small measure of saying thanks to these men of our military past.

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