Mike Bechthold, Wilfrid Laurier University, "Lost in Normandy: The Epic Tragedy of Worthington Force";
Michael Boire, War Studies, Royal Military College of Canada, "Imperial Armour: 1st Canadian Armoured Brigade and Interoperability in the Eighth Army";
David A. Borys, University of New Brunswick, "The Fight Against Collateral Damage: Civil Affairs in First Canadian Army";
Stephen Bourque, School of Advanced Military Studies, "What we didn't know: The Effect of the Normandy Air Campaign on French Civilians" (keynote address);
Graham Broad, King's University College at the University of Western Ontario, "'When the Bombs Start Dropping, Run Like Hell': Civilian Air Raid Precautions in Canada, 1939-1945";
Mathieu Brosseau and Marie-Hélène Leclerc, Canadian Forces College, NCMPDC, "The Corvette: The Canadian Response to the Convoy Crisis";
Andrew Burtch, Canadian War Museum, "Canada's Survival Army: The Berlin Crisis and the National Survival Militia Training Plan";
Gary Campbell, University of New Brunswick, "Defending New Brunswick during the War of 1812: The Implementation of Captain Gustavus Nicoll's Report";
Kelly-Anne Campbell, War Studies, Royal Military College of Canada, "Oil and Blood for Blood and Oil: The Canadian Merchant Navy in the Second World War";
Zack Cavasin, University of Ottawa, "The Battle to Rebuild: Canadian Military Relations with the Civil Population after the Battle of Ortona";
Tim Cook, Canadian War Museum, "The Madman Revisited";
Terry Copp, Wilfrid Laurier University, "Some Reflections on the Italian Campaign" (keynote address);
Sarah Cozzi, University of Ottawa, "'Where do we go from here?': Soldier-Tourists of the Canadian Expeditionary Force";
Doug Delaney, War Studies, Royal Military College of Canada, "Canadian Corps Commanders, 1939-1945: Observations on Generalship and Staff Training";
Angela Duffett, Carleton University, "Memory, Myth, and Memorials: Public Memory of the First World War in Newfoundland";
Serge Durflinger, University of Ottawa, "Making New Men: The Rehabilitation of Canada's War Blinded of the Second World War";
Alistair Edgar, Wilfrid Laurier University, "Achieving 'Afghan Good-enough?': Canadian Withdrawal from the Long War in Afghanistan";
Michelle Fowler, Wilfrid Laurier University, "'No Age Lives Entirely Alone': The Story of Major Ronald E. Balfour, Civil Affairs, First Canadian Army and his Fight to Preserve Europe's Past";
Andrew B. Godefroy, Character of War Program, Oxford University, "Arguing the Unthinkable: Ideas and Debate on Atomic Warfare in the Canadian Army Journal, 1947-1965";
Richard Goette, Royal Military College of Canada, "Canada, the United States, and the Air Defence of Sault Ste. Marie Canal during the Second World War";
John Grenier, Norwich University, "'The War on the Acadians, 1755-1759': The British Army's Conquest of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick";
Mark Osborne Humphries, "Disease, Health, and the German Army's Collapse in the Summer of 1918";
Andrew Iarocci, Canadian War Museum, "'Tanks are no bogey for the infantry...': Allied and German Approaches to Anti-Tank Defence, 1916-18";
Benjamin Isitt, University of Victoria, "From Victoria to Vladivostok: Canada's Siberian Expedition, 1917-19";
Rebecca Jensen, University of Manitoba, "Reflecting Canada: A Historiographical Look at Canadian Military History since the End of the Cold War";
Geoff Keelan, University of Waterloo, "22nd Battalion in the Great War";
David Kielstra, Wilfrid Laurier University, "The Failure of Soviet Counter-Insurgency Strategy in Afghanistan: Legacies for Canada's Withdrawal in 2011";
Kellen Kurschinski, University of Waterloo, "'Sparks and Chips': The Works Dominion Electrohome Inc from War to Peace";
Christine Leppard, University of Calgary, "The Italian Campaign Sixty-Five Years On: Lessons from the 1st Canadian Field Historical Section";
James Lutz, Royal Canadian Military Institute, "Thomas McKenzie and the Creation of Canada's Professional Army";
Raymond MacKinnon, Queen's University, "'Star Wars, Eh?': Canadian Aerospace Policy and the Militarization of Outer Space";
Craig Leslie Mantle, Canadian Forces Leadership Institute and University of Calgary, "Officer-Man Relations in Microcosm: Batmen in the Canadian Expeditionary Force during the First World War";
James McCallum, Carleton University, "'A Courage Unique in Canada's Military History': English-Canadian Newspaper Coverage of Canadian Soldiers in the Congo and the Development of the Canadian Peacekeeping Identity, 1960-1961";
Andrew McEwen, University of Waterloo, "'Not...up to my expectations': Canadians, Australians and Tanks at the Battle of Amiens";
Caitlin McWillians, Wilfrid Laurier University, "Bombers, Brutes, and Babes: Aircraft Graffiti, Nose Art, and Canadian Identity in the Royal Canadian Air Force";
Marc Milner, University of New Brunswick, "To the Far Side of the World: The Canadian Navy's Pursuit of Terrorists, Pirates, and Fleet Capability in the Post-Cold War World, 1990-2010" (keynote address);
Jonathan Minnes, Wilfrid Laurier University, "Ortona in the News";
Heather Moran, The Centre for Community Mapping, "Creating participatory public history relating to the bi-centennial celebrations of the War of 1812";
Tascha Morrison, Carleton University, "Looking Backwards, Looking Forwards: Remembrance Day in Canada";
Jeff Nilsson, University of Waterloo, "'No Patience for the Patriot who Thinks Himself Too Good': The Legion of Frontiersmen and Recruitment in Canada, 1914-1915";
Jeff Noakes, Canadian War Museum, "Mr. Midshipman Brett: Robert Benney Brett's Abbreviated Naval Career, 1915-1921";
William Pratt, University of New Brunswick, "1 Canadian Armoured Brigade and the Battle of Lake Trasimene, 20-29 June 1944";
Cameron Pulsifer, Canadian War Museum (retired), "The Great Canadian Machine Gun Mania of 1915: The Public, the Government, and the Procurement of Machine Guns for the Canadian Expeditionary Force in the First Full Year of the Great War";
Béatrice Richard, Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean, "Defining One's Own Patriotism: A French Canadian Legionary in the First World War";
John Rickard, Directorate of Army Training, "'On the Way to Normandy': Some Overlooked Aspects of the Canadian Army Prior to D-Day";
Kathryn Rose, University of Waterloo, "The History of the Department of Munition and Supply: The Trials of J. de N. Kennedy";
Roger Sarty, Wilfrid Laurier University, "S.F. Wise and the Writing of Men in Arms: How a Young RCAF Veteran became an Academic Military Historian;
Christopher Schultz, Carleton University, "The Cannon is a Good Converter: Violence on the Western Front and the Spatial-Temporal Shape of War";
Alex Souchen, University of Ottawa, "'You Make the News - We Print It': Battalion Newspapers in the 3rd Canadian Division, June-July 1944";
Matthew Trudgen, Queen's University, "A New Perspective on the US Military Facilities in the Canadian Northwest in the Second World War";
Brent Wilson, University of New Brunswick, "Keeping CEF Battalions Up to Strength: The Case of the 26th Battalion during the Great War"; and
Joseph Zeller, University of New Brunswick, "Redefining the Naval Seascape: The Emergenct of the Motor Torpedo Boat".
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