19 November 2006

Recent MA theses and PhD dissertations

I mentioned in a previous post how I'd like to gather the titles of recent (say past five years or so) master's theses and doctoral dissertations on Canadian military history. This is not the simplest thing to do, several sources being needed to try and gather together the information. What I figured I do, then, is occasionally post on this subject, listing my latest findings with links to their entry on the Library and Archives Canada database (where you can ILL these items from if you're interested). This time around I have found:

Legare, Jennifer Michelle, "'From the Ashes': The Niagara District in the War of 1812", MA thesis, University of Guelph, 2003;

Field, Vincenzo, "Explaining Armageddon: Popular Perceptions of Air Power in Canada and Britain and the Destruction of Germany, 1939-45", MA thesis, UNB, 2003 (UNB theses are not listed in the Library and Archives Canada listings);

Fitch, Benjamin Thomas E., "Doing their Duty: Politics and Recruitment in the Maritimes during World War I", MA thesis, University of Calgary, 2003;

Hunter, Jennifer, "'Is it even worthwhile doing the dishes?': Canadians and the Nuclear Threat, 1945-1963", PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2005;

Lackenbauer, Paul Whitney, "Vanishing Indian, Vanishing Military: Military Training and Aboriginal Lands in Twentieth Century Canada", PhD dissertation, University of Calgary, 2004;

Morin, Mélanie, "Lire entre les lignes : témoignages d'infirmières militaires canadiennes en service outre-mer pendant la Prèmiere Guerre mondiale", mémoire de maîtrise, Université de Moncton, 2005;

Wilford, Timothy, "Canada and the Far East crisis in 1941: Intelligence, Strategy and the Coming of the Pacific War", PhD dissertation, University of Ottawa, 2005;

Wilson, John Jason Collins, "Soldiers of Song: The Dumbbells and other Canadian concert parties of the First World War", MA thesis, University of Guelph, 2004;

Toman, Cynthia, "Officers and Ladies: Canadian Nursing Sisters, Women's Work, and the Second World War", PhD dissertation, University of Ottawa, 2003; and

Burianyk, Kathyrn Vera, "The Home Front in Regina during World War II", MA thesis, University of Regina, 2004.

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