More results from the Library and Archives Canada theses portal - MAs and PhDs with specific reference to Canadian military history (some have direct links to their PDFed versions):
Kornel K. Buczek, "The Role of Verification in Canada's Arms Control Policy, 1968-1984", MA thesis, Dalhousie University, 1986;
Garry J. Burke, "Good for the boy and the nation: Military Drill and the Cadet Movement in Ontario Public Schools, 1865-1911", EdD dissertation, University of Toronto, 1996;
Kelly Janes Buziak, "Nothing wanting but a beginning: An Examination of the Character and Development of the Settlement founded by Members of Butler's Rangers in the Niagara Area, 1780-1800", MA thesis, University of Alberta, 1987;
Michael Shawn Cafferky, "Towards the Balanced Fleet: A History of the Royal Canadian Naval Air Service, 1943-1945", MA thesis, University of Victoria, 1990;
Michael Shawn Cafferky, "Uncharted Waters: The Development of the Helicopter Carrying Destroyer in the Post-War Royal Canadian Navy, 1943-1964", PhD dissertation, Carleton University, 1996;
Robert Henry Caldwell, "Butcher or Bolt: Responses to Nineteenth Century War in the Canadian North West in 1885", MA thesis, The Royal Military College of Canada, 1987;
David Charles Gregory Campbell, "The Divisional Experience in the C.E.F.: A Social and Operational History of the 2nd Canadian Division, 1915-1918", PhD dissertation, University of Calgary, 2004;
Margaret Isabel Catherine Campbell, "Harmony and Dissonance: A Study of the Influence of Foreign Policy Goals on Military Decision-Making with Respect to the Canadian NATO Brigade in Germany, 1951-1964", PhD dissertation, Université Laval, 2000 [direct PDF link];
James F. Camsell, "From Normandy to the Scheldt: Logistics and the First Canadian Army (June-September 1944)", MA thesis, University of New Brunswick, 1996;
Robert Cameron Walker, "The Role of Threat Assessments in Canadian Defence Policy Formulation", MA thesis, Dalhousie University, 1988.
A journey through Canada's military history / Un voyage par l'histoire militaire du Canada
30 July 2008
27 July 2008
The Prince Albert Military Memorial Project

25 July 2008
Index of The Canadian Historical Review part 7

Vol.61, No.1 (1980):
W.H. Whiteley, "The British Navy and the Siege of Quebec, 1775-6", pp.3-27;
Peter Burroughs, "Tackling Army Desertion in British North America", pp.28-68;
Vol.61, No.2 (1980):
R. Matthew Bray, "'Fighting as an Ally': The English-Canadian Patriotic Response to the Great War", pp.141-168;
Vol.61, No.3 (1980):
Desmond Morton, "'Kicking and Complaining': Demobilization Riots in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1918-19", pp.334-360;
Vol.62, No.1 (1981):
Ruth Roach Pierson, "The Double Bind of the Double Standard: VD Control and the CWAC in World War II", pp.31-58;
Vol.64, No.2 (1983):
Desmond Morton and Glenn Wright, "The Bonus Campaign, 1919-21: Veterans and the Campaign for Re-Establishment", pp.147-167;
Vol.64, No.3 (1983):
Joseph T. Jockel, "The Canada-United States Military Co-Operation Committee and Continental Air Defence, 1946", pp.352-377;
Vol.66, No.2 (1985):
Robert H.Keyserlingk, "'Agents within the Gates': The Search for Nazi Subversives in Canada during World War II", pp.211-239;
Vol.67, No.4 (1986):
F.F. Neary, "Newfoundland and the Anglo-American Leased Bases Agreement of 27 March 1941", pp.491-519;
Vol.68, No.2 (1987):
Desmond Morton, "Resisting the Pension Evil: Bureaucracy, Democracy, and Canada's Board of Pension Commissioners, 1916-33", pp.199-224;
Vol.68, No.3 (1987):
J.M. Bumsted, "Developing a Canadian Disaster Relief Policy: The 1950 Manitoba Flood", pp.347-373;
Vol.69, No.2 (1988):
David K. Zimmerman, "The Royal Canadian Navy and the National Research Council, 1939-45", pp.203-221;
Vol.70, No.1 (1989):
James W.St.G. Walker, "Race and Recruitment in World War I: Enlistment of Visible Minorities in the Canadian Expeditionary Force", pp.1-26;
Martin L. Nicolai, "A Different Kind of Courage: The French Military and the Canadian Irregular Soldier during the Seven Years' War", pp.53-75; and
Vol.70, No.2 (1989):
David J. Bercuson, "SAC vs Sovereignty: The Origins of the Goose Bay Lease, 1946-52", pp.206-222.
23 July 2008
Latest two issues of Canadian Military History
The Spring 2008 issue (vol. 17, no. 2) of Canadian Military History is out and contains lots of material of interest to students of Canadian military history. In preparing this post I also realized that I forgot to write about the previous issue for Winter 2008 (vol.17, no.1). Sorry about that. Here we go:
Winter 2008
Geoff Jackson, "'Anything but Lovely': The Canadian Corps at Lens in the summer of 1917", pp.5-20;
Andrew B. Godefroy, "Canadian Soldiers in West African Conflicts, 1885-1905", pp.21-36;
Paul Dickson, "Harry Crerar and an Army for Strategic Effect", pp.37-48;
Gareth A. Newfield, "Medical Care of American POWs during the War of 1812", pp.49-62;
Sean M. Maloney, "Incursion at Howz-e Madad: An Afghanistan Vignette", pp.63-78; and
Ken Reynolds, "'War Diaries of the First World War' at Library and Archives Canada", pp.79-80.
Spring 2008
Andrew B. Godefroy, "A Force of Reason: Canada, Central America, and the Grupo de Observadores de la Naciones Unidas para Centro America (ONUCA), 1983-1992", pp.5-20;
Nic Clarke, "'He was my best subaltern': The life and death of Lieutenant Herrick S. Duggan, 70th Field Company, Royal Engineers", pp.21-32;
J. Brent Wilson, "Military Aid to the Civil Authority in mid-19th Century New Brunswick", pp.33-50;
Mark Osborne Humphries (ed.), "Sir Arthur Currie and the Legacy of the Great War: Letters from the Archives of the Canadian War Museum", pp.51-60;
Laura Brandon and Jeff Noakes, "Evan Macdonald: Camouflage Artist", pp.61-65;
David Patterson, "Outside the Box: A New Perspective on Operation Windsor - The rationale behind the attack on Carpiquet, 4 July 1944", pp.66-74;
Jonathan F. Vance, "Provincial Patterns of Enlistment in the Canadian Expeditionary Force", pp.75-78; and
Ken Reynolds, "The 'Canadian Virtual War Memorial' at Veterans Affairs Canada", pp.79-80.
Winter 2008
Geoff Jackson, "'Anything but Lovely': The Canadian Corps at Lens in the summer of 1917", pp.5-20;
Andrew B. Godefroy, "Canadian Soldiers in West African Conflicts, 1885-1905", pp.21-36;
Paul Dickson, "Harry Crerar and an Army for Strategic Effect", pp.37-48;
Gareth A. Newfield, "Medical Care of American POWs during the War of 1812", pp.49-62;
Sean M. Maloney, "Incursion at Howz-e Madad: An Afghanistan Vignette", pp.63-78; and
Ken Reynolds, "'War Diaries of the First World War' at Library and Archives Canada", pp.79-80.
Spring 2008
Andrew B. Godefroy, "A Force of Reason: Canada, Central America, and the Grupo de Observadores de la Naciones Unidas para Centro America (ONUCA), 1983-1992", pp.5-20;
Nic Clarke, "'He was my best subaltern': The life and death of Lieutenant Herrick S. Duggan, 70th Field Company, Royal Engineers", pp.21-32;
J. Brent Wilson, "Military Aid to the Civil Authority in mid-19th Century New Brunswick", pp.33-50;
Mark Osborne Humphries (ed.), "Sir Arthur Currie and the Legacy of the Great War: Letters from the Archives of the Canadian War Museum", pp.51-60;
Laura Brandon and Jeff Noakes, "Evan Macdonald: Camouflage Artist", pp.61-65;
David Patterson, "Outside the Box: A New Perspective on Operation Windsor - The rationale behind the attack on Carpiquet, 4 July 1944", pp.66-74;
Jonathan F. Vance, "Provincial Patterns of Enlistment in the Canadian Expeditionary Force", pp.75-78; and
Ken Reynolds, "The 'Canadian Virtual War Memorial' at Veterans Affairs Canada", pp.79-80.
20 July 2008
MA theses and PhD dissertations - part 16
More results from the Library and Archives Canada theses portal - MAs and PhDs with specific reference to Canadian military history (some have direct links to their PDFed versions):
Christopher B. Brown, "The Military and the Media: A Case Study of Canadian Experiences in the Gulf War", MA thesis, Dalhousie University, 1992;
Ian Malcolm Brown, "Lieutenant-General Sir Arthur Currie and the Canadian Corps, 1917-1918: The Evolution of a Style of Command and Attack", MA thesis, University of Calgary, 1991;
Shaun R.G. Brown, "The Loyal Edmonton Regiment at War, 1943-1945", MA thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1984;
Vivienne Brosnan, "The International Control Commission for Vietnam: The Diplomatic and Military Context", MA thesis, University of British Columbia, 1975;
Bryan Brulotte, "Visions of Grandeur: Planning for the Canadian Post-War Army, 1944-1947", MA thesis, Carleton University, 1992;
Stephen Burgess-Whiting, "Lest we Remember: Canadians and the Spanish Civil War", PhD dissertation, The University of Western Ontario, 2006;
Kathryn Vera Burianyk, "The Home Front in Regina during World War II", MA thesis, University of Regina, 2004;
Andrew Paul Burtch, "Canadian Theatre: The Battle of the St. Lawrence and its Aftermath, May-October 1942", MA thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University, 2003;
Bruce John Harwood, "Canada's Relations with Japan, 1931-1941", MA thesis, University of Victoria, 1986; and
Joseph Bruce Varner, "Unification of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Impact of Inter-Service Rivalry", MA thesis, Acadia University, 1991.
Christopher B. Brown, "The Military and the Media: A Case Study of Canadian Experiences in the Gulf War", MA thesis, Dalhousie University, 1992;
Ian Malcolm Brown, "Lieutenant-General Sir Arthur Currie and the Canadian Corps, 1917-1918: The Evolution of a Style of Command and Attack", MA thesis, University of Calgary, 1991;
Shaun R.G. Brown, "The Loyal Edmonton Regiment at War, 1943-1945", MA thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1984;
Vivienne Brosnan, "The International Control Commission for Vietnam: The Diplomatic and Military Context", MA thesis, University of British Columbia, 1975;
Bryan Brulotte, "Visions of Grandeur: Planning for the Canadian Post-War Army, 1944-1947", MA thesis, Carleton University, 1992;
Stephen Burgess-Whiting, "Lest we Remember: Canadians and the Spanish Civil War", PhD dissertation, The University of Western Ontario, 2006;
Kathryn Vera Burianyk, "The Home Front in Regina during World War II", MA thesis, University of Regina, 2004;
Andrew Paul Burtch, "Canadian Theatre: The Battle of the St. Lawrence and its Aftermath, May-October 1942", MA thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University, 2003;
Bruce John Harwood, "Canada's Relations with Japan, 1931-1941", MA thesis, University of Victoria, 1986; and
Joseph Bruce Varner, "Unification of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Impact of Inter-Service Rivalry", MA thesis, Acadia University, 1991.
18 July 2008
New books (June 2008) at Library and Archives Canada
Library and Archives Canada ( has released its new books list for June 2008. The list includes the following items of interest (including some not yet released for sale and some which seem to have been out for sale for a while now) with respect to Canadian military history:
Thomas J. Bennett, Canadian Airborne Wings and Parachute Badges (Calgary: Bunker to Bunker Books, 2008);
Richard H. Gimblett and Richard O. Mayne (Eds.), People, Policy and Programmes: Proceedings of the 7th Maritime Command (MARCOM) Historical Conference (2005) (Winnipeg: Canadian Naval Heritage Press, 2008);
Ian Hope, Dancing with the Dushman: Command Imperatives for the Counter-Insurgency Fight in Afghanistan (Winnipeg: Canadian Defence Academy, 2008);
Colonel Bernd Horn, Le responsible, c'est moi : le commandants militaires supérieurs durant les opérations (Winnipeg : Presse de l'Académie canadienne de la défense, 2008);
Lewis MacKenzie, Soldiers made me look good: A Life in the Shadow of War (Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 2008);
Marial M. Mosher, Remembering: One Woman's World War II Story (Halifax: Glen Haven Press, 2008);
James W. Paxton, Joseph Brant and his World: Eighteenth-Century Statesman and Warrior (Toronto: J. Lorimer & Co., 2008);
Amy J. Shaw, Crisis of Conscience: Conscientious Objection in Canada during the First World War (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008);
Emily Spencer (Ed.), Grassroots: Perspectives of Senior Non-Commissioned Officers on Operations (Winnipeg: Canadian Defence Academy Press, 2008); and
Lee Windsor, Kandahar Tour: The Turning Point in Canada's Afghan Mission (Mississauga: J. Wiley & Sons, 2008).
Thomas J. Bennett, Canadian Airborne Wings and Parachute Badges (Calgary: Bunker to Bunker Books, 2008);
Richard H. Gimblett and Richard O. Mayne (Eds.), People, Policy and Programmes: Proceedings of the 7th Maritime Command (MARCOM) Historical Conference (2005) (Winnipeg: Canadian Naval Heritage Press, 2008);
Ian Hope, Dancing with the Dushman: Command Imperatives for the Counter-Insurgency Fight in Afghanistan (Winnipeg: Canadian Defence Academy, 2008);
Colonel Bernd Horn, Le responsible, c'est moi : le commandants militaires supérieurs durant les opérations (Winnipeg : Presse de l'Académie canadienne de la défense, 2008);
Lewis MacKenzie, Soldiers made me look good: A Life in the Shadow of War (Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 2008);
Marial M. Mosher, Remembering: One Woman's World War II Story (Halifax: Glen Haven Press, 2008);
James W. Paxton, Joseph Brant and his World: Eighteenth-Century Statesman and Warrior (Toronto: J. Lorimer & Co., 2008);
Amy J. Shaw, Crisis of Conscience: Conscientious Objection in Canada during the First World War (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008);
Emily Spencer (Ed.), Grassroots: Perspectives of Senior Non-Commissioned Officers on Operations (Winnipeg: Canadian Defence Academy Press, 2008); and
Lee Windsor, Kandahar Tour: The Turning Point in Canada's Afghan Mission (Mississauga: J. Wiley & Sons, 2008).
16 July 2008
Index of The Canadian Historical Review part 6

Vol.51, No.1 (1970):
C.P. Stacey, "The Life and Hard Times of an Official Historian", pp.21-47;
Vol.51, No.4 (1970):
Desmond Morton, "Aid to the Civil Power: The Canadian Militia in Support of Social Order, 1867-1914", pp.407-425;
Vol.52, No.1 (1971):
W.J. Eccles, "The Social, Economic, and Political Significance of the Military Establishment in New France", pp.1-22;
Vol.52, No.3 (1971):
Bruce G. Trigger, "The Mohawk-Mohican War (1624-28): The Establishment of a Pattern", pp.276-286;
Vol.52, No.4 (1971):
George K. Raudzens, "A Successful Military Settlement: Earl Grey's Enrolled Pensioners of 1846 in Canada", pp.389-403;
Vol.53, No.2 (1972):
Malcolm MacLeod, "Fortress Ontario or Forlorn Hope?: Simcoe and the Defence of Upper Canada", pp.149-178;
Vol.53, No.3 (1972):
W.R. Young, "Conscription, Rural Depopulation, and the Farmers of Ontario, 1917-19", pp.289-320;
Vol.54, No.3 (1973):
George K. Raudzens, "The Military Impact on Canadian Canals, 1815-25", pp.273-286;
Vol.55, No.1 (1974):
Desmond Morton, "Sir William Otter and Internment Operations in Canada during the First World War", pp.32-58;
J.L. Granatstein and R.D. Cuff, "The Hyde Park Declaration 1941: Origins and Significance", pp.59-80;
Vol.55, No.2 (1974):
R. Arthur Bowler, "Sir Guy Carleton and the Campaign of 1776 in Canada", pp.131-140;
Vol.55, No.4 (1974):
Carman Miller, "English-Canadian Opposition to the South African War as seen through the Press", pp.422-438;
Vol.57, No.1 (1976):
Elinor Senior, "The Provincial Cavalry in Lower Canada, 1837-50", pp.1-24;
Vol.57, No.2 (1976):
Fritz Pannekoek, "The Rev. Griffiths Owen Corbett and the Red River Civil War of 1869-70", pp.133-149;
Vol.57, No.3 (1976):
W. Peter Ward, "British Columbia and the Japanese Evacuation", pp.289-308;
Vol.59, No.3 (1978):
Patricia E. Roy, "The Soldiers Canada didn't want: Her Chinese and Japanese Citizens", pp.341-358; and
Vol.60, No.1 (1979):
R. Craig Brown and Desmond Morton, "The Embarrassing Apotheosis of a 'Great Canadian': Sir Arthur Currie's Personal Crisis in 1917", pp.41-63.
13 July 2008
New history of The Royal Canadian Regiment

"From the start, this was going to be a soldier's history. The generals are important, but I didn't want to write another top-down book that is given away as a gift at regimental functions but never actually read. I wanted to write something that a soldier of today could pick up and be interested in." He also writes: "The history of a regiment is really the story of its members - their trials, challenges, disappointments and achievements. [...] For these reasons, when recounting the history of a regiment, it is necessary to tell the stories of its members."
11 July 2008
MA theses and PhD dissertations - part 15
More results from the Library and Archives Canada theses portal - MAs and PhDs with specific reference to Canadian military history (some have direct links to their PDFed versions):
Melanie J. Bright, "Will Parliament Decide?: Peacekeeping Operations in the 1990s", MA thesis, The Royal Military College of Canada, 1997 [direct PDF link];
Steven John Bright, "Planning to Plan: Cyril James, the Ottawa Mandarins and the Committee on Reconstruction, 1941-1943", MA thesis, The Royal Military College of Canada, 2005;
Gregory Paul Brown, "Canadian Peacekeeping during the Trudeau Years: A Continuation of the Helpful Fixer Tradition", MA thesis, McMaster University, 1981;
Shaun R.G. Brown, "Re-Establishment and Rehabilitation: Canadian Veteran Policy, 1933-1946", PhD dissertation, University of Western Ontario, 1996 [direct PDF link];
Brian Masschaele, "Memos and Minutes: Arnold Heeney, the Cabinet War Committee and the Establishment of the Canadian Cabinet Secretariat during the Second World War", MA thesis, University of Manitoba, 1995;
Patricia Ruth O'Brien, "The Newfoundland Patriotic Association: The Administration of the War Effort, 1914-1918", MA thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1982;
Brian Andrew Rafuse, "A small place, wretchedly fortified: Annapolis Royal in the Early British Period, 1710-1749", MA thesis, Queen's University, 1983;
Donald Brian Smith, "From Swords to Ploughshares: The Context for Highland Soldier Settlement in Nova Scotia, 1710-1775", MA thesis, Saint Mary's University, 2003;
Brian Unger, "A Struggle with Conscience: Canadian Mennonites and Alternative Service during World War II", MA thesis, University of Toronto, 1990; and
Brian K. Wentzell, "The Rise and Fall in Civil-Military Relations in Canada, 1946-1960", MA thesis, The Royal Military College of Canada, 2006.
Melanie J. Bright, "Will Parliament Decide?: Peacekeeping Operations in the 1990s", MA thesis, The Royal Military College of Canada, 1997 [direct PDF link];
Steven John Bright, "Planning to Plan: Cyril James, the Ottawa Mandarins and the Committee on Reconstruction, 1941-1943", MA thesis, The Royal Military College of Canada, 2005;
Gregory Paul Brown, "Canadian Peacekeeping during the Trudeau Years: A Continuation of the Helpful Fixer Tradition", MA thesis, McMaster University, 1981;
Shaun R.G. Brown, "Re-Establishment and Rehabilitation: Canadian Veteran Policy, 1933-1946", PhD dissertation, University of Western Ontario, 1996 [direct PDF link];
Brian Masschaele, "Memos and Minutes: Arnold Heeney, the Cabinet War Committee and the Establishment of the Canadian Cabinet Secretariat during the Second World War", MA thesis, University of Manitoba, 1995;
Patricia Ruth O'Brien, "The Newfoundland Patriotic Association: The Administration of the War Effort, 1914-1918", MA thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1982;
Brian Andrew Rafuse, "A small place, wretchedly fortified: Annapolis Royal in the Early British Period, 1710-1749", MA thesis, Queen's University, 1983;
Donald Brian Smith, "From Swords to Ploughshares: The Context for Highland Soldier Settlement in Nova Scotia, 1710-1775", MA thesis, Saint Mary's University, 2003;
Brian Unger, "A Struggle with Conscience: Canadian Mennonites and Alternative Service during World War II", MA thesis, University of Toronto, 1990; and
Brian K. Wentzell, "The Rise and Fall in Civil-Military Relations in Canada, 1946-1960", MA thesis, The Royal Military College of Canada, 2006.
09 July 2008
Historic Flags of Canada posters

06 July 2008
Index of The Canadian Historical Review part 5

Vol.42, No.2 (1961):
Guy MacLean, "The Georgian Affair: An Incident of the American Civil War", pp.133-144;
Vol.43, No.2 (1962):
J. Mackay Hitsman, "Winter Troop Movement to Canada, 1862", pp.127-135;
Vol.45, No.4 (1964):
Fernand Ouellet, "Le Nationalisme canadien-français: De des origines à l'insurrection de 1837", pp.277-292;
Vol.46, No.2 (1965):
Jacm M. Sosin, "The Use of Indians in the War of the American Revolution: A Re-Assessment of Responsibility", pp.101-121;
Vol.46, No.3 (1965):
John K. Mahon, "British Command Decisions in the Northern Campaigns of the War of 1812", pp.219-237;
Vol.47, No.1 (1966):
W.A.B. Douglas, "The Sea Militia of Nova Scotia, 1749-1755: A Comment on Naval Policy", pp.22-37;
Vol.47, No.2 (1966):
Martin Robin, "Registration, Conscription, and Independent Labour Politics, 1916-1917", pp.101-118;
Vol.47, No.4 (1966):
C.P. Stacey, "Quebec, 1759: Some New Documents", pp.344-355;
Vol.48, No.1 (1967):
Hereward Senior, "Quebec and the Fenians", pp.26-44;
Vol.49, No.2 (1968):
L.F. Fitzhardinge, "Hughes, Borden, and Dominion Representation at the Paris Peace Conference", pp.160-169;
Vol.49, No.3 (1968):
J.M. Bliss, "The Methodist Church and World War I", pp.213-233;
Vol.49, No.4 (1968):
Samuel F. Wells Jr., "British Strategic Withdrawal from the Western Hemisphere, 1904-1906", pp.335-356;
Vol.50, No.1 (1969):
John F. Roeche, "Quebec Under Siege, 1775-1776: The 'Memorandums' of Jacob Danford", pp.68-85;
Vol.50, No.3 (1969):
Carman Miller, "Sir Frederick William Borden and Military Reform, 1896-1911", pp.265-284; and
A.M.J. Hyatt, "Sir Arthur Currie and Conscription: A Soldier's View", pp.285-296.
04 July 2008
Preliminary program of the 61e Congrès de l'Institut d'histoire de l'Amérique française
The organizers of the 61e Congrès de l'Institut d'histoire de l'Amérique française are holding the congress at the Université Laval in Quebec City from 23 to 25 October 2008. They've now posted their preliminary programme for the congress and it includes the following presentations of specific interest to students of Canadian military history:
Samedi 25 octobre :
Séance 25 : Histoires et mémoires de guerre
Présidence: Serge Bernier (DHP, ministère de la Défense nationale, Ottawa)
Florence Tilch (Université Laval), « L'impossible héroïsme : la mise en scène du volontaire franco-québécois dans les textes littéraires »
John MacFarlane (DHP, ministère de la Défense nationale, Ottawa), « La croix de Triquet »
Yves Tremblay (DHP, ministère de la Défense nationale, Ottawa), « Les soldats, les morts, l'histoire », and
Séance 28 : Récits mémoriels
(includes) Béatrice Richard (Collège militaire royal du Canada, Kingston), « L'influence de la Première Guerre mondiale sur l'oeuvre de Lionel Groulx ».
Samedi 25 octobre :
Séance 25 : Histoires et mémoires de guerre
Présidence: Serge Bernier (DHP, ministère de la Défense nationale, Ottawa)
Florence Tilch (Université Laval), « L'impossible héroïsme : la mise en scène du volontaire franco-québécois dans les textes littéraires »
John MacFarlane (DHP, ministère de la Défense nationale, Ottawa), « La croix de Triquet »
Yves Tremblay (DHP, ministère de la Défense nationale, Ottawa), « Les soldats, les morts, l'histoire », and
Séance 28 : Récits mémoriels
(includes) Béatrice Richard (Collège militaire royal du Canada, Kingston), « L'influence de la Première Guerre mondiale sur l'oeuvre de Lionel Groulx ».
02 July 2008
MA theses and PhD dissertations - part 14
More results from the Library and Archives Canada theses portal - MAs and PhDs with specific reference to Canadian military history (some have direct links to their PDFed versions):
Brian T. Begbie, "Naval Gunfire Support for the Dieppe Raid", MA thesis, University of Ottawa, 1999 [direct PDF link];
Jason Raymond Hill Braida, "Unexpected Beginnings: Guelph, Ontario and the Transition towards Total War, 1939-1941", MA thesis, Queen's University, 1996;
Laura Elizabeth Brandon, "The Canadian War Museum's Art Collections as a Site of Meaning, Memory, and Identity in the Twentieth Century", PhD thesis, Carleton University, 2002;
Charles Gordon Brewer, "The Diocese of Antigonish and World War I", MA thesis, University of New Brunswick, 1975;
Brian Campbell, "An Analysis of the Mobile Force Concept within Post-War Foreign and Defence Policy in Canada", MPhil, University of Toronto, 1970;
Bradley J. Davison, "Forechecking in Captivity: Sport in the Lives of Canadian Prisoners of War at Three German Camps during the Second World War", MHK thesis, University of Windsor, 2006;
Brent Alan Hobson, "New Solutions for Old Problems?: Canadian Naval Support of Sovereignty, 1971-2000", MA thesis, Dalhousie University, 1999 [direct PDF link];
Brenda McDermott, "Screening the War: The Exhibition and Reception of Newsreels and Topical Films in Toronto during the First World War", MA thesis, York University, 2007;
Brian G. Rawding, "To close with and destroy: The Experience of CANLOAN Officers in the North West European Campaign, 1944-1945", MA thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1998 [direct PDF link]; and
Brent Byron Watson, "Far Eastern Tour: The Experiences of the Canadian Infantry in Korea, 1950-1953", PhD thesis, University of Victoria, 1999 [direct PDF link].
Brian T. Begbie, "Naval Gunfire Support for the Dieppe Raid", MA thesis, University of Ottawa, 1999 [direct PDF link];
Jason Raymond Hill Braida, "Unexpected Beginnings: Guelph, Ontario and the Transition towards Total War, 1939-1941", MA thesis, Queen's University, 1996;
Laura Elizabeth Brandon, "The Canadian War Museum's Art Collections as a Site of Meaning, Memory, and Identity in the Twentieth Century", PhD thesis, Carleton University, 2002;
Charles Gordon Brewer, "The Diocese of Antigonish and World War I", MA thesis, University of New Brunswick, 1975;
Brian Campbell, "An Analysis of the Mobile Force Concept within Post-War Foreign and Defence Policy in Canada", MPhil, University of Toronto, 1970;
Bradley J. Davison, "Forechecking in Captivity: Sport in the Lives of Canadian Prisoners of War at Three German Camps during the Second World War", MHK thesis, University of Windsor, 2006;
Brent Alan Hobson, "New Solutions for Old Problems?: Canadian Naval Support of Sovereignty, 1971-2000", MA thesis, Dalhousie University, 1999 [direct PDF link];
Brenda McDermott, "Screening the War: The Exhibition and Reception of Newsreels and Topical Films in Toronto during the First World War", MA thesis, York University, 2007;
Brian G. Rawding, "To close with and destroy: The Experience of CANLOAN Officers in the North West European Campaign, 1944-1945", MA thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1998 [direct PDF link]; and
Brent Byron Watson, "Far Eastern Tour: The Experiences of the Canadian Infantry in Korea, 1950-1953", PhD thesis, University of Victoria, 1999 [direct PDF link].
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